Didn't forget about this~ Yet~


Slowly updating the 77 items in 777 days list. I've done so many of these lists, but never finished any. It's funny to think, how things on past lists have been done. We own a house. We've been through two new cars (we just traded the one in for an SUV, pretty sure that car was cursed or haunted. It got crashed into four or five times, had the windshield break twice, the parking brake as well... It wasn't old or anything, just a mess...) But there's some things we haven't accomplished yet.

Like opening our store. Owning chickens. Going to another province. (I've been to Quebec some years ago, but my poor husband has scarcely been out of Southern Ontario!) Winning any sort of contest. Silly things, sure, but they matter to me.

Also, knowing the end of the 777 days is my 40th birthday, is making me want to make sure I get lots of cool stuff done by then.

Not to say my life is boring now. With a husband, a kiddo, a dog, two cats, and plans to travel (once covid is done), and plans to open the store (in spring!), and so much else, there's no time for boring, it would just be nice to check off a few things!


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